How Do You Make Sure Your New Product Is Safe?
You have a great product that you're almost ready to release to the world. Just one last thing: safety checks. There are a variety of ways to test your product to make sure that no one will get injured while using it. This article will look at just a few.
Mechanical Testing
One of the most important parts of safety testing is mechanical testing. Essentially, a mechanical testing company will perform a variety of tests on the product to make sure that it won't behave unexpectedly when it's used. The tests focus on making sure the materials and construction are solid enough to not be hazardous.
A typical test that's done on products is the stress test. The testing team will put stress on the product and see if it breaks in an unexpected way or behaves in an unsafe way. Another test is the tensile test, where weight is placed on the product. You might also test to see how the product reacts differently at high or low temperatures.
Some unexpected behaviors that you want to avoid are the product shattering, becoming deformed, or failing. Mechanical testing will put the product in extreme situations to see if there are any risks in unusual circumstances. While your product might be safe when left at room temperature and handled with minimal force, it can quickly become unsafe when it's in winter temperatures or it's dropped. You need to know these things before you put the product on the market.
Allergy Testing
Another safety accident to avoid is releasing a product that causes unintended allergic reactions in its users. Products can contain traces of materials that are common allergens. You want to label all potential allergens on your products before giving them to the public. Examples of potential allergens include traces of foods, certain dyes, and even specific construction materials.
Shelf Life
Your product works great when it's first created, but what happens as it ages? It is helpful to see how a product reacts when it has a nearly-dead battery or when it burns out. Testers might run a product continuously, at its highest settings, to make sure the product peters out gracefully rather than exploding, catching fire, or any number of potentially threatening reactions. The bottom line is that before your product is ready to be put on the market, it will serve you well to figure out all of the potential behaviors it has.